Creative Origami - Seni Melipat Kertas yang unik dan kreatif

Panduan Membuat Origami Yang Unik dan Menarik langkah demi langkah secara mudah

Paket Creative Origami ini terdiri dari Koleksi ebook dan Kumpulan Video Tutorial membuat origami step by step. Berbeda dari biasanya pada Creative Origami banyak terdapat proyek-proyek origami yang dapat langsung diaplikasikan seperti untuk membuat bunga, kotak hantaran, topeng dll.

Origami adalah sebuah seni lipat yang berasal dari Jepang. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kertas atau kain yang biasanya berbentuk persegi. Sebuah hasil origami merupakan suatu hasil kerja tangan yang sangat teliti dan halus pada pandangan.Origami pun menjadi populer di kalangan orang Jepang sampai sekarang terutama dengan kertas lokal Jepang yang disebut Washi. Origami adalah keahlian dalam segi teknik lipat-melipat kertas dari budaya Jepang. Istilah origami sendiri berasal dari bahasa jepang, "oru" yang berarti melipat, dengan "kami" yang berarti kertas.

Penyebarannya semakin mendunia saat origami muncul sebagai sebuah kindergarten movement pada tahun 1880 an di mana origami dimasukkan sebagai metode studi kreatif anak-anak di Jerman. Origami ternyata memiliki berbagai tingkat kesulitan, mulai dari modul sederhana -bentuk hewan, misalnya- hingga model yang membutuhkan perhitungan geometris-matematis.

Ebook :

3-D Geometric Origami
Origami Flowers
Fabulous Origami Boxes
Origami Holidays
Kusudama Ball Origami
A Plethora of Polyhedra in Origami
Akira Yoshizawa - Creative Origami
Camel by Fumiaki Kawahata
Flying - spinning toy - Paulo Mitsuru Imamura
Origami Sea Life
kunihiko kasahara - extreme origami
Marvelous Modular Origami
Origami in Action
Origami Insects
Origami Tome Vol I-III
Papiroflexia Box Origami
Project Origami
Origami Dream World - Flowers and Animals
Unit Origami

Contoh Hasil :

Video Tutorial :
Kumpulan Video + Klip Origami (15 bh)

Harga : Rp 75.000,-

Shawl - Panduan membuat syal leher, scarf

Panduan Membuat Shawl, Poncho dan Scarves

Ada yang menamainya sebagai stola, shawl, scarf bahkan phasmina. Banyak perempuan Indonesia mengenalnya sebagai selendang. Apapun namanya, kain dengan beragam motif, bahan serta ukuran itu acap disandang perempuan dalam berbagai gaya dan acara.

Kadang shawl sekadar disampirkan di satu pundak dan membungkus sebagian lengan. Atau menutup dua bahu telanjang perempuan ketika mereka mengenakan gaun off shoulder. Shawl, bisa pula menjadi pemanis penampilan ketika diselipkan di bawah kerah busana. Namun, ketika diikatkan di tali tas, keberadaan shawl sungguh artistik.

Aksesoris ini mulai dikenal di Prancis dengan nama shawl.
Fungsi shawl waktu itu selain sebagai penahan dingin juga dimanfaatkan sebagai pelengkap busana, selain menunjukkan simbol tertentu. Bahan sutera yang kemudian dipakai untuk menciptakan shawl cantik diproduksi China, menandai shawl wajah baru di abad itu. Shawl model itu dikenal sebagai shawl China, namun perempuan Spanyol menyebutnya mantones de Manila. Itu lantaran ribuan lembar shawl produksi China dibawa ke Spanyol menggunakan kapal laut dari pelabuhan di Manila.

Dalam wajahnya kini, shawl berhasil menyatu menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari putaran mode. Shawl tetap pantas dikenakan di mana saja dan kapan saja. Dengan ragam bahan kain, dari sutera, organza, chiffon, hingga wool. Bentuknya bisa beragam. Tak sebatas tiga. Dengan warna tunggal hingga kaya motif. Selain bordir yang dipilih sebagai pemanis, juntaian tassel, manik dan payet kadang ditambahkan sebagai aksen.

CD ebook panduan Shawl kali ini berisi ebook yang memuat tehnik dasar pembuatan shawl, scarves dan poncho. Dengan beragam tehnik, variasi dan kombinasi yang membuatnya jadi lebih memikat.
Ebook :
Wrapped in Comfort, Knitted Lace Shawls
Vogue Knitting scarves 2
Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls
Three Orenburg Shawls to Knit
Stunning Shawls
Stahman's Shawls and Scarves
SpringtimeBandit shawl scarf
Signature Scarves - Dazzling Designs to Knit
Ponchos Wraps
Knitting New Scarves, 27 Distinctly Modern Designs
Japanese accessories - Scarves 50
Hooked Scarves, 20 Easy Crochet Projects
quick easy scarves
Vogue Knitting On The Go -Crocheted Scarves

Harga Rp 60.000,- 

Wire Jewelry - Membuat Perhiasan Berkelas berbahan Kawat

Panduan Membuat perhiasan Berkelas dari Kawat menggunakan Tehnik Wire Work

Tertarik pakai asesoris ? Senang memakai aksesoris sebagai penambah kesan anggun, feminim dan berkelas ? Nah sekarang ada aksesoris berkelas berbahan wire (kawat) yang lebih dikenal dengan wire jewellry .
Wire jewelry adalah perhiasan yang dibuat dengan menggunakan teknik wire work (wire beading). Beda dengan teknik beading biasa. Teknik wirework justru lebih menonjolkan kawat sebagai bahan utama dalam design perhiasan. Dengan teknik ini, hampir semua komponen perhiasan dapat dibuat sendiri kecuali manik / batu hiasnya. Namun dalam pembuatannya wire jewelry ini memang butuh waktu relatif lebih lama dibandingkan dengan beading biasa. Meski begitu hasil yang didapatkan akan sebanding dengan keindahan perhiasan setelah jadi. Keindahan dan kesan mewah yang dipancarkan tulah yang membuat wire jewelry seringkali tampak unik dan "beda" dengan perhiasan handcrafted lain.
Nah paket Wire Jewelry ebook ini berisi koleksi ebook wire jewelry design panduan step by step membuat perhiasan sendiri dengan tehnik wire work. Dalam ebook ( wire jewelry tutorials ) ini juga termuat alat-alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk proses membuat seni perhiasan dari kawat ini. Adapun panduan pekerjaan wire work juga ditampilkan dengan ilustrasi dan photo-photo pendukung yang mudah dipahami.

Ini sebagian contoh hasil wire jewelry :

Ebook :
Wire Techniques for the Beadworker and Jewelry Maker
Twist and Loop
Simply glass seed Beautiful Beading
Free Metallico Accessories
Beaded macrame jewelry
Wire and Bead Celtic Jewelry
Silver Wire Jewelry
Making Bead & Wire Jewelry
Jewelry with wire
Beads & Wire Works Original Accessories

Wire Jewelry Summer 2009
Step by Step Wire Jewelry Jan 2005
Step by Step Wire Jewelry Dec 2009
Step by Step Wire Jewelry Fall 2009
Step by Step Wire Jewelry winter 2010

Harga Rp 60.000,-

Clay - Panduan membuat aneka kerajinan dari lempung polimer

Panduan step by step membuat produk dan barang yang memanfaatkan clay (lempung polymer)

Lempung polimer (Inggris: polimer clay) adalah bahan yang dapat dibentuk yang berbahan dasar polivinil klorida (PVC) polimer. Lempung polimer umumnya tidak mengandung lempung, dan hanya disebut lempung karena bentuk dan sifatnya yang menyerupai lempung. Lempung polimer banyak ditemui di toko-toko hobi dan seni.

Lempung polymer atau yang lebih dikenal dengan clay ini memiliki tekstur yang lembut dan lebih mudah dibentuk. Dari toko juga sudah disediakan dalam aneka rupa warna yang menarik.
Dari bahan ini bisa dibuat bermacam-macam produk mulai dari boneka mainan, gantungan kunci, kancing baju, bunga-bungaan hingga aneka macam perhiasan dari gelang hingga kalung.

Ebook :
200 polymer clay miniatures
Clay Art for All Seasons, A Guide to Soft Clay Art
Making Gifts in Polymer Clay
Mosaicos, Junho de 2004
The Art of Polymer Clay Creative Surface
The Weekend Crafter - Polymer Clay
Create Anything with Clay
Creating Lifelikes Figures in Polymer Clay
creating metal clay
Creative Clay Jewelry
Creative Ways with Polymer Clay
Disneys character collection Polymer clay
Fairies, Gnomes , Trolls -Create a Fantasy World in Polymer Clay
Making Miniature Flowers with Polymer Clay
Making Polymer Clay Jewelry
Modeling The Figure In Clay (Bruno Lucchesi)
Polymer clay and Mixed media
Polymer clay beads

Polymer Clay Creative Traditions, Techniques and Projects Inspired
Polymer Clay for the First Time
Polymer Clay Jewelry
Polymer Clay Starting Points
Special Seasons 2 With Polymer Clay
The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques
The Art of Polymer Clay, Designs and Techniques for Making Jewelry, Pottery, and Decorative Artwork
The Polymer Clay Techniques Book
The Sculpey Way with polymer clay

Harga Rp 75.000,-

Hats - Panduan Membuat topi Unik dan Menarik

Panduan Mudah langkah demi Langkah membuat topi yang unik dan menarik.

Ternyata seni crochet ( seni merajut ) bisa diaplikasikan untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan, mulai dari syal, scarf, kaos kaki, ponco hingga topi .
Nah paket ebook Hats ini berisi panduan step by step membuat berbagai macam topi yang unik, lucu dan menarik yang bisa dipakai mulai dari bayi hingga fashion untuk remaja dan dewasa.

Daftar Isi :

100 Hats to Knit and crochet
Cool Crocheted Hats
hip hats crochet
Itty-Bitty Hats-knit
Lion Brand Just Hats
100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet
Blankets, Hats, and Booties, To Knit And Crochet
Crochet Patterns For Dummies
Hats On ! 31 Warm and Winsome Caps for Knitters
Hooked Hats, 20 Easy Crochet Projects
Louisa Harding - Hats Gloves Scarves

Harga Rp 65.000,-

Kijal and Cherating - 3D/2N

3D/2N Kijal/Cherating

Day 1
We planned to leave KL last Friday (26/2/2010) at 9am, I reached my sis’s house and my 2 nieces yet to arrive n my sis was still feeding her son breakfast n my sis in law was cooking breakfast.

After everything was done, we left at about 10am. We drove straight to Kijal, along the way we stopped at Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan at Kuala Kemaman for satar & otak-otak at about 1.30pm. Too early n they were not selling anything yet. So, we decided to drive around Chukai town n perhaps stop by at Hai Peng, it was closed! We drove further to check out other shops, Tong Juan was open (they are famous for stuffed crab) but my sis looked at the shop and was not keen to eat there.

We turned back to Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan Kuala Kemaman n waited awhile (they open at 2.00pm) and enjoyed satar, otak-otak, pais and keropok lekor. The food was nice but the weather was really really hot.

After lunch we drove straight to Awana Kijal n checked in at about 3pm. I stayed here before as my previous employer had a plant at Teluk Kalung. To me this is the most decent hotel around Kijal/Cherating.

Since it was hot outside the room, we decided to laze about inside our room n at 5.30pm decided to try out their fitness centre (my sis n her son swam). We worked out for an hour n after that we went for a walk on the beach (we walked until we reached Star Cruise jetty n turned back to hotel).

Really good work out n we were sore all over..then returned to our room to shower n got ready for dinner. We had our dinner at Grandview in front of the hotel. Everyone was hungry but my sis didn’t finish her rice as she felt bloated (she was too hungry n her stomach felt like it was filled with air n she could’t eat) and I thought the food was not to her liking. Anyway, the others enjoyed their food. We ordered stuffed crabs, butter prawns, kailan with garlic, lemon chicken and garoupa cooked with soy sauce.

After dinner we drove to Kerteh to view lights from oil & gas plants there. Reached hotel n we were all tired. Tried to watch dvd but all of us fell asleep before the movie ended.

Day 2
We planned to wake up early, go to the gym at 7am, then at 8am walk on the beach and have our breakfast at 9am. We woke up at 9am! Would not have woken up if my bf didn’t call. My 2 nieces decided to sleep in, so my sis n I went down for breakfast by ourselves. Same spread as per my previous visits.

We returned to our room and it was time to check out. We packed our stuffs n my 2 nieces decided that they wanted to go for a swim. So we loaded our stuffs into our car n waited for them n lounged about by the pool.

We left Awana n went to Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan again for our lunch. This time we had satar, otak-otak, mee calong (different version of mee soup) and nasi air, ABC, jelly kelapa and kelapa laut. Mee calong n nasi air were actually quite nice.

After lunch we drove straight to Holiday Villa Cherating. After checking in, again it was hot n we just stayed indoor. Went to the gym at 5.30pm n went to the beach for a walk. Took my nephew along as my sis wanted to go for massage.

After our walk, went back to our room and prepared to go out for dinner. This time we went to Duyong Restaurant at Kampung Cherating. The waitress recommended Ikan Barat (cooked with dried chillies), Kam Heong crabs, my niece ordered kalian cooked with oyster sauce n the other niece ordered tom yam.

After dinner, my niece needed to look for areas where she can have wifi access as she needed some info to finish her assignment, we found a café with ‘free wifi’ signboard. No other customers there n the owner was more interested in listening to music on his pc rather than serving his customers. His moody son acted as a waiter, the internet connection was very slow n we decided to leave n asked the boy to pack our drinks. Guess what he said? Sorry we have no plastic bag to pack your drinks! I asked for ice n I guess they ran out of ice too :-(
2 cans of cokes (no ice) and a mug of hot milo cost us RM8.00. Will never go to this place ever again. This place is called Payung Café.

We walked towards a shop where my sis n the other niece was browsing for souvenirs n along the way we stumbled onto a cyber café. Lucky break for my niece. They charge RM2.50 per hour. She downloaded her work (by borrowing thumb drive from the owner before downloading them into her laptop), took her less than 15min n the owner didn’t charge her a single cent. The cyber café is next to Little Bali.

Then back to our room n zzz…..

Day 3
We woke up early today n went down for breakfast early ie around 8am. After breakfast my nieces wanted to go for a walk on the beach but it was too hot for me n I lounged about on the hammock, very relaxing – just swaying, feeling the sea breeze n enjoying the clear sky…

They came searching for me after their walk, sweating n we went to the gym. We worked out for an hour and then went for a swim. Then time to pack n go home.

We stopped by at Turtle Sanctuary – small displays but they have both live turtles n turtle replicas……my 3 year old nephew loves the displays.

We returned to Kuala Kemaman to buy keropok to bring back to KL but since it was still early we decided to go to Hai Peng for light lunch. Then back to Che Wan to tapau keropok n stuffs.

Earlier plan was for us to have our lunch at Pak Su Beserah but we already had our lunch at Hai Peng so decided to drive straight to KL.

We stopped by at Gambang rest area to pray n later stopped at Termerloh rest area for drinks. We reached KL at about 7.30pm.

Good holiday but I was offended by my niece n sis at the end of the trip, we were having a conversation and they said something vague implying they talked about me behind my back. I was tired n the weather was super hot n I found their remarks to be extremely rude. To me if you want to talk behind my back be my guest but keep it behind my back (whatever it is, that was not my concern) but if you want to hint to me that you talked behind my back, you better tell me what was the issue. Hiding it by saying it’s nothing is plain rude. Anyway, I was fuming n was ready to scream if anyone bothered me. Thank God they left me alone to simmer or everyone’s holiday n good mood will be spoilt……but then again I guess that's family, we quarreled n we made up....

Day 4
Good holiday, I was expecting to be too lazy to wake up, feeling tired to go to work. But I woke up early n feeling very fresh………

Hotels Review
I prefer Awana than Holiday Villa.

Holiday Villa a bit run down, you can see blood on the bed sheet (from smashed up mosquitos, was wondering whether they changed the sheet or not before we checked in or rhe blood was old stains). The compound, walkways not spotlessly clean, the gym had little to offer n the breakfast spread was very small n taste wise they were awful.

My sis left her sunglasses in Awana, she called them n they said they’ll keep for her..

But then again, we paid RM230 for Awana n RM160 for Holiday Villa so I guess you can’t expect much.

Beach? I prefer Kijal as it was cleaner. Cherating beach was dirty n at some part of the beach, dirty n smelly water (sewer?) was drained to sea……eew!!

But the beach at turtle sanctuary was very beautiful n clean…….

Petrol – RM140 (return)
Tol – RM58 (return)

Awana Kijal - RM230 x 1 room x 1 night (normal rates view here )

Holiday Villa - RM160 x 2 rooms x 1 night = RM320/night (normal rates view here )

Lunch 26/2/010 - Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan Kuala Kemaman RM24
Dinner - Grandview Kijal RM162

Lunch 27/2/010 - Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan Kuala Kemaman RM34
Dinner - Duyong RM110

Lunch - Hai Peng Chukai RM58

Tapau satar+otak-otak+lekor at Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan Kuala Kemaman RM3.50x4 + RM 7x4 + RM5x4 = RM62
Tapau keropok+ikan bilis + etc at tenggiri = RM100
Pineapples - RM10 x 2 = RM20

GRAND TOTAL: RM1,138 for 4pax

What others said about:

Awana Kijal

Holiday Villa Cherating

Light shows at Kerteh

Cherating Turtle sanctuary

Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan at Kuala Kemaman
Kedai Kopi Hai Peng

Tong Juan

Restoran Grandview Café Kijal

Duyong Restaurant Kampung Cherating

Payung Café Kampung Cherating

Restoran Pak Su Beserah

Ikan Bakar Awang Cherating – note to self “try this place next time”
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