First Day of August and Ramadhan ♥

幸せ空腹時 - Shiawase kūfuku-ji


It's a first day of August, Ramadhan's and fasting wohooooo \(^o^)/ gimana perasaannya? semoga yang menjalankannya bisa kuat deh nahan hawa nafsu, emosi, serta haus dan lapar, dapet rezeki and pahala dilipat gandakan sama..... Yang jomblo dapet jodoh deh wkwk amin Ya Allah O:)

btw Noru minta maaf yaa atas kesalahan2 Noru selama ini, khususnya maafin Noru karna belom ngelanjutin cerita "Say My Name"nya wkwk ampun -_-v jujur aja sejak masuk SMA tuh Noru jadi agak males ngetweet di Twitter, males ngelanjutin cerita dan gambar alias mau fokusin belajar dulu biar dapet jurusan IPA hihiyy doain sukses yaa amin O:)

Yup kayaknya udah deh mau cerita ini aja, oiya satu lagi, #AugustWish semoga hujan duit wkwk dompet menipis nih soalnya -__- okayy see you on my next post! Papayy ♥

- By Nourma Astari (Noru)

Hi! Meet me again~

hai haii ketemu lagi sama saya, Noru wahahayyy ~(‾▿‾~) ~(‾▿‾)~ (~‾▿‾)~ miss me? i bet not wkwk --"

btw sekarang Noru udah SMA loohh hihiyy mau tau sekarang SMA dimana? sekarang saya SMA di...yup yup! Now i'm 31 Senior High School student or Infrontero'14 student (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) hihiyy sekolahnya asik lohhhh ekskulnya juga lumayan banyak + gurunya kebanyakan yang ngelawak dan kakak2 kelasnya juga baik2 ;)

nah selama ngeMOS disana, kelas sementaranya di X-G dan penanggung jawabnya kakak2 OSIS "Genovias Crystal" yang baik hati + sabar banget dehh ngadapin adek2nya ahaha mau tau siapa? ini dia:
Kak Filza (Filza Biancarisia), dia manis, baik, penyabar, enak kalo diajak curhat wahahayy pokoknya ga nyesel dehh ketemu sama kakak yang cantik satu ini ♥♥ dia penggantinya Marsya Franitasari nih tempat curhatnya huehehe dasar temen LIA --"

Kak Bimo (Bimo Anugrah Putra Mardhika), kakak cowo pertama yang deket sama Noru hihiww makanya Noru seneng ngebully dia wkwk ~(‾▿‾~) hampir sama kayak Kak Filza, bedanya Kak Bimo itu ga manis wkwk canda --" kebaikan kakak ini udah cukup kok O:)

Dan di 31 juga Noru satu sekolah lagi sama kawan2, mereka yaitu:
Annisa Arifa Sesyazhade

Tamara Meidina Putri

Adriani Putri (Nichan)

Amanda Larasati

Ika Wahyuni

Nadya Saraswati

Nahh itulah kawan2 Noru dari SMPN 99 Jakarta yang satu sekolah lagi wkwk teman seperjuangaaann \(^o^)/ oiya sekarang kelas menetap Noru di X-I bersama Amanda Larasati hihiyy (>w<) btw Noru ikut ekskul Paskibra sama Oresama Club + calon OSIS nihh wkwk amin Ya Allah O:)

well, i think that's it about 31 Senior High School, ohiya lain kali cerita "Say My Name"nya dilanjutin kapan2 yaa soalnya chapter 4nya belom dibikin wkwk ._. *dihajar massa* thanks for your patients and GOMENASAIII (>_<")

- By Nourma Astari (Noru)

BONSAI MAKING - STYLING : Video panduan membuat, membentuk dan mengatur gaya bonsai dengan wiring, carving dan aneka tehnik


Video panduan membuat, membentuk dan mengatur gaya bonsai dengan wiring, carving dan aneka tehnik

Rp 60.000,-

Bisa dikatakan bonsai adalah seni membuat miniatur dari bentuk asli pohon besar yang sudah tua dialam bebas. Dan apresiasi keindahan tanaman atau pohon yang dikerdilkan tersebut dibentuk oleh kesatuan dahan, daun, batang, dan akar pohon, serta pot dangkal yang menjadi wadahnya.

Seni membuat miniatur pohon ini mencakup berbagai teknik pemotongan dan pemangkasan tanaman, pengawatan (pembentukan cabang dan dahan pohon dengan melilitkan kawat atau membengkokkannya dengan ikatan kawat), serta membuat akar menyebar di atas batu.
Tanaman atau pohon dikerdilkan dengan cara memotong akar dan rantingnya. Pohon dibentuk dengan bantuan kawat dengan tehnik melilitkan, menarik kearah tertentu di ranting dan tunasnya. Kawat harus sudah diambil sebelum sempat menggores kulit ranting pohon tersebut.

Kalau wiring digunakan untuk mengatur bentuk bonsai agar melengkung, tegak atau kearah yang diinginkan, seni lain membentuk bonsai adalah dengan membuatnya berpenampilan seperti sebuah pohon yang berumur sangat tua, sehingga kelihatan urat kayu atau bagian-bagian batang yang nampak seperti keropos atau retak.
Seni carving atau memahat batang kayu bonsai ini tidak bisa dilakukan sembarangan, harus tahu lebih dulu karakter macam apa yang akan ditampilkan melalui pahatan tersebut, sehingga tanaman bonsai akan muncul ekspresi ketuaannya.

Paket bonsai styling and carving ini disusun dan dikompilasi sendiri oleh tim kirara, berisi video panduan untuk membuat bonsai dari awal, membentuk bonsai dengan tehnik wiring dan menampilkan bonsai agar nampak renta melalui tehnik memahat.

Headband, Video panduan membuat Bando, TIara dan hiasan Kepala Yang Trendy dan Keren


DVD Video panduan membuat Bando, Tiara, Jepit rambut dan aneka hiasan Kepala Yang Trendy dan Keren

Rp 75.000,-

Bando, jepit rambut, tiara atau hiasan kepala yang menempel pada seseorang tak sekedar untuk merapikan rambut, namun bisa berarti juga : penampilan yang menarik, cool, cute, elegan atau . . . menambah cantik. Secara naluriah orang memang ingin selalu menonjol, tampil elegan, cantik, menarik dan . . . berpenampilan lain dari yang lain. Ehm, kadang kita memang ingin tampil menonjol dan nampak berbeda khan ? Hiasan kepala bisa digunakan mulai dari bayi, anak, remaja hingga orang dewasa.

Terkadang kita ingin membuat sendiri hiasan rambut kepala, namun sulit untuk mendapatkan video tutorail yang mengajarkan cara membuatnya langkah demi langkah untuk berbagai macam hisan kepa yang berbeda bentuk dengan aneka ragam hiasan.

Nah, video kompilasi kirara-shop kali ini berisi macam-macam tehnik dan cara membuat hiasan kepala (headband) mulai dari bentuk polos, penuh bunga-bunga hingga headband yang dibuat dengan tehnik merajut.

Ternyata caranya gampang dan mudah untuk ditiru, akan dijarkan bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan, dilanjutkan dengan step by step tehnik pengerjaannya. Dan hasilnya  . . . memang menakjubkan.


[WSK Story] New wave of IT world rushing in

'Cloud Meets Big Data’ was the hot issue in IT Forum which was recently held in COEX Convention Center. Cloud Computing has been the main stream of Korean Internet services since last year. It sounds little far from your daily life, but over 10 millions are using the Cloud service. Let’s take a look before it’s too late.

Hot issue in IT World, elusive Cloud computing

Cloud computing is defined as a computing environment providing services through internet servers such as a data storage, network, and contents at the same time according to Naver dictionary( In short, we put all data together into servers of data center so we could use them whenever we need. Just like the clouds intangible, the space doesn’t exist in computer, but we can handle them freely

Let’s take an example with an email. Whenever you log in, you’ll receive emails or data. Your computer actually doesn’t have the storage for data but you can take them out from the internet server. This is a basic concept of it.

Cloud computing is a technology that you can use the Operating Systems(OS) such as Windows, and Mac, and Word processor, Office, Photoshop, Games and all kinds of application programs and the saved data with certain payment. Many of Korean corporations and government organizations already adopted the service or moving to adopt it. IT service companies are providing a large webhard-type of cloud service for individuals as well.

Faster, Easier and Cheaper

The advantage of the Cloud Computing is that you can save the space and costs. All you need are a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and the network function, and you just have to pay as much as you use. The other advantage is that you can use the data anytime with a variety of IT devices such as computers, tablet PCs, and smart phones.

For its cost effectiveness, the Cloud computing system is much more attractive to businesses than to individuals. With the Cloud Computing system, employees just need internet-accessible computer instead of expensive PC and software. In terms of security, the authentication process prevents the security breaches and information leaks.

Firstly, the server stability and the security must be guaranteed for Cloud computing. In fact, a cloud computing service in the US was down for two hours with a huge loss. In this case, users’ loss must be tremendous. In terms of security, like DDoS, servers can be the target for hacking or attack. Strict security solution should be prepared to prevent such a horrible damage to data center

Seize the Growth Engine of Future Korea

The scale of the world Cloud Computing market is expected to grow from 31 billion dollars in 2011 to 60 billion dollars in 2014. It is the trend that world class IT businesses and venture companies consider the Cloud Computing a key industry in the future. Global competition for Cloud Computing among business and individual market is already underway

In response to global competition, Korean government announced the strategy last month that they will increase the Cloud Computing adoption rate up to 15%. The official said that they will improve the legal system in order to promote the growth of Cloud Computing market. In addition to encouraging government agencies build up Cloud Computing infrastructure in a certain percentage, Korean government support small businesses so that they can be a global competitor through combining data center with Cloud Computing.

Korean companies are set to Cloud Computing service. IT companies sell their services such as large scale Cloud Computing and virtualization solutions. They move ahead with international companies to be the leader in the world market of Cloud Computing market

Korean mobile service company K on June 30th made an agreement of joint venture together with Japanese company S. K has a plan to build up data center in Kimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do so that they could provide data service for not only Japanese companies but also for Asian companies within a radius of 2,000 km. Global e-bay company E announced last 13th they will build up data center in Busan to support Korea, China, Japan, Singapore and Australia branches. Prior to it, US IT company opened a data center in cooperation with Korean Insurance Company K in Songdo, Incheon city last November. It appears that more companies will open data centers in Korea

The key reasons for these trends are geological conditions, less natural disasters, stable and low cost electric service and reliable internet service. In particular, IT infrastructure is the most highly graded. With these strength and advantages, we are looking forward to being a leader in data center hub through Asia and global competitor in the world cloud computing service market

[WSK Story] Yeosu, the Host City of Expo

With one year left before the opening of the Yeosu Expo, the Organizing Committee is very busy in preparing the world event, drawing attentions from many countries. Focusing on one specific subject, “The Living Ocean and the Coast- Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities”, Yeosu will present something different.

It is very meaningful that the Expo focuses on specific topic and shows the future of the human activities.

Shall we take a look at Yeosu Expo?

Mosageum beach, a taste of Yeoso Ocean  

(Source: Korea Tourism Organization)

Lonesome and silent, the scenery of Yeosu Ocean is considered the best. Even people living near the ocean visit Yeosu to feel the cleanness and calmness. If you want to feel the Yeosu Ocean, Mosageum beach is the exact place.
Mosaguem beach is not as big as other beaches in Korea. However, the surrounding scenery is very beautiful and two naturally-created beaches make Mosaguem more special.

(Source: Korea Tourism Organization)

Both beaches are made up of small pebbles and soft sand. The sand is so soft that your feet will be deeply submerged in. In addition, it is good for parents to play with their kids around. Well, we also recommend you to take photos of the pebbles, which is nature itself, or to go fishing by the rocks on the seashore.
Mosageum, the treasure of Yeosu, has been well known for beautiful sand. Why not come down here for family vacation?
Enjoying Strange Rocks and Bizarre Stones of Baekdo Island

(Source: Korea Tourism Organization)

Now, you would understand why Yeosu Expo focuses on ‘Marine World’ and how that attracts so many people.  
On the other hand, there is another island which has been recognized by many well-known people around the world. Baekdo-island. It has 99 peaks, including small rocky islands.

(Source: Korea Tourism Organization)

You can get around the island with a boat. It is interesting to see very unique styles of each island. For an example, you will find the large rock with a naturally carved hole that has become the shelter of the sea birds. Like this, Yeosu Ocean has an unlimited potential with a magnificent landscape of a variety of rocks and Geomundo Island floating on the ocean which is an hour distance by a boat. Clear blue sea will tell that Yeosu will be the perfect host city for the Great Marine Expo.
Do not miss it!

Children’s favorite, Marine Science Museum, Jeollanam-do

(Source: Korea Tourism Organization)

Both Yeosu city and Yeosu Expo are not for the adults, but also for children. Children can also enjoy the both. The Marine Science Museum in Jeollanam-do will satisfy the curiosity of children.
Opened in 1998 and renovated in 2005, this museum introduces the beauty of National Marine Park of Dadohae and contributes to promoting tourism of Yeosu city.

You can see the native aquarium fish in the biggest cylinder-shaped water tank, the turtles living in the largest aquarium in Korea, and the mud flat aquarium which just look like a real one. 
The ‘touch and feel’ aquarium is the most favorite for children. All visitors can touch the top shells, craps and other marine creatures. For more details, check the website http://www.해양수산과학관.kr

Wishing for Success of Yeosu Expo

nd Meeting of Participating Countries of Yeosu Expo 2012>
(Source: New Media Team, Yeosu Expo 2012)

Since the Daejeon Expo, Yeosu Expo will gather the worldwide attention. They have a huge ambition of decorating the whole ocean as the fairground for the Expo for the first time ever in 150 year-old history of World Expo.

From small beaches to dark blue ocean with strange rocks and bizarre stones, and the space for the firsthand experience of the ocean, Yeosu is just perfect enough for ocean city. Shall we take fresh air in Yeosu this summer with the expectation for the coming Expo?

South Korea: Economic Growth

How well do you know Korea? Come and meet the charms of Korea at Touch Korea! You are warmly invited!

lot of things to say

banyak hal-hal baru, pengalaman-pengalaman baru di korea yang belum diceritain, yang belum di share..
bingung mau mulainya dari mana.. *alesan* :D

dan sampe sekarang masih belum juga posting tentang civil infrastructure di korea.. heuheu...
anyway, now i am doing internship at samsung C&T, engineering & construction group. for a month..
this is my greatest experience in korea after appearing in "hand in hand campus", a TV program aired by arirang TV.

[WSK Story] Road Trip in Jeju

Jeju beach with emerald tints and peculiar living rocks are very beautiful like the fine paintings. You can have beautiful scenery by just pressing a button on your camera. In addition, driving the offshore will make you refresh your mind.

You will realize that time flies so fast when dropping by some attractive places while driving the offshore road. Now we will introduce you the must-go places in Jeju island.

Dive along the Green Forest!

The road which will be now introduced is 516 Forest Road Tunnel that was built for the first in this island. It is a shortcut from Jeju city on the South to Seogwipo city on the North of the island, crossing Mt. Halla. It definitely reduced the travelling time and is quite faster than the other ways. The road is rather zigzag, however, once you pass the Sungpan Rest Area, you will meet the trees that just look like a tunnel. While passing the tunnel we will feel as if the trees were greeting you.

(Source : AsiaToday)

On your diving, you will see the Sancheon-dan altar for Mt. Halla and Sungpanak, the tracking course. Suakvallley is made of clear water from Baeknok-dam, the lake located on the top of the Mt. Halla. It ia connected by thick forest and azure's virgin forest and it's changed by the season. The road is lined up with Jeju typical trees and there are grazing ponies, too. 516 Forest Road Tunnel is thickly wooded and keeps the cool temperature even in summer. When you pass the tunnel, turn off the air-conditioner and open the car window to feel the beauty of nature.

Sagye Coastal Road

Sagye (four seasons) Coastal Road is an absolutely wonderful road which will surround you by the sea breeze and wind. As the Mt. Sanbang and Mt. Songak are located at each of the end of the seashore, the driving course is even peaceful and comfortable. Drivers can get the full view of the sea as well. Everyday many visitors are passing this beautiful coastal road to see the harmonized seashore, mountain and roads and all the beautiful sceneries around with its breath-taking sunset

(Source: Korean Tourism Organization)

We can see not only the Sagye seashore not only the Brothers islands guarding the South Sea, and away from here, we can also see the Gapa island and southernmost island, Mara island. Recently, the SagyeCoastal Road was designated as "One of the most beautiful 100 roads in Korea" by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. After 50 minutes of driving along the No.95 local road from Jeju city, you will reach at a town which is the entrance of the Sagye-ri harbor. Then, go toward the beach about 5 minutes, and you will be dazzled by the coolest sea in front of you.

This area is also famous for the Asian-first human’s footprints fossil of the Old Stone Age. There are other footprints of the elephants, dears and birds as well. Archeologists said this geographical strata was created in the fourth stages of the Cenozoic era 50,000 years ago. Since it was reported on the news, a number of tourists are continuously visiting here to see the fossils by themselves. However, since the Cultural Heritage Administration designated this area as one of the state-designated natural monuments, it has been impossible to enter the area.
Some people leave their car and take a walk around the area to see the Mt. SanbangBrothers islands, Gapaisland , Mara island, and Mt. Songak. We hope you enjoy the road trip on Sagye Coastal Road.

Cedar Forest

Well, driving along the coast would be so good, but there is other driving course you would also be excited. It is the 27.3 km-long Rd. No.1112, which connects Gujwa-eup Pyongdae-ri and the Rd. No.516. The way ahead is full of cedar.

(Source: Munhwa Ilbo)

This road was awarded a grand prize by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation in 2002. It's very exotic as if you were in somewhere in north-American forests. Actually, this place appeared in many of CFs, movies and TV dramas. About 2,570 typical Jeju trees are growing wild here and make us feel refreshed when driving through or walking through the road.

Jeju driveways are full of blue water, beautiful estuary, cedars and secondary volcanoes. Why don't we leave for Jeju this Summer?

Homeplus Subway Virtual Store

Let me introduce you about homeplus. Homeplus is a South Korean/British discount retail chain jointly owned by Samsung and Tesco. It operates hypermarkets and also home delivery shopping service. Though it is the second largest retailer in South Korea after Shinsegae Group, homeplus is my favourite place to do grocery shopping because it is very convenient, cheap, and close to my house. I registered a free homeplus membership and got a lot of discounts from it.

I usually go to there twice a month to buy some foods, vegetables, drinks, and others. Few days ago I went there with my friend and found some machines that attracted my intention. Self-service checkout. It really amazed me! So after I got all of things that I wanted to buy, I didn't go to the ordinary checkout but I went to the new self-service checkout. Haha.. That was kinda new things in homeplus so many people tried those machines and still the store clerk helped and taught them how to use those. Very interesting! You just need to scan the barcode of products and the machine will automaticaly recognize the product. After you finish scanning, choose what kind of payment you want to use, and bring your shopping things home. At that time, I paid it by debit card. The store clerk helped me to insert the card into the slot provided. I was wondering how if I want to pay by cash and I found that there is a slot for inserting your money, just like in the vending machine. Wow! I was amazed. It is so easy and fast. I love it!

photo courtesy of
Just a moment ago, I found this video from my friend's facebook.

Korea.. I don't know what more to say.. you are just sooo hi-tech..!
This is what I imagined some years ago.. and now I see it directly, It really exists and I can't believe that I am living in this hi-tech country. Alhamdulillah...
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