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After all the eating n binging, clothes starts to feel a bit tighter. Been doing weekly yoga (after office hours organized by our sports club) but not much improvement can be seen as the instructor keeps on skipping classes (her excuse - heavy rain n my car might stall!), other club members refused to change instructor as they like her!
Been participating in weekly qigong classes too (organized by sports club as well) but the only difference I can see, I manage to do all movements without rest (first few classes I was unable to finish specific numbers of repetitive movements like the rest of the class). Weight wise? gained few pounds :-( ha ha I guess when we were asked to imagine 'you are one big ball of qi in the entire universe' work for me too well! We were asked to imagine our body expanding in all directions (to capture qi).... n literally I'm turning into a ball.....gasp. This Friday I'm going to imagine "I'm the slimmest and leanest form of good quality qi".
Anyway, I thought I should try some kind of supplement n remember a tip someone forwarded to me before about honey n cinnamon. So I tried the drink last night n this morning. As the blogger below suggested, I prepared the drink n drank half of the drink before I went to bed, n this morning before shower, I took the other half of the drink. So by the time I was ready to go to work more than 1/2hr had passed n I took my breakfast (Alpha Lipid colostrum drink, Intra herbal drink, evening primrose oil, vitamins)...Will see how it goes.....
Excerpt from
half teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon of honey
1 cup of boiling water
Mix the cinnamon and honey in the cup and make a paste. Add the boiling water and cover the cup for half an hour. Stir the mixture water and filter it. Wait until it cools enough for drinking and it’s ready.
Take one half of the drink before breakfast and the other half after dinner, before going to bed.
Weight loss success stories
People who have tried this amazing weight loss drink say that they have lost about 3 kg (6-7 lbs) for 1 week.
I know it sounds too good and easy to be true, but I do believe it really works. I will try it myself in the next couple of weeks, actually as soon as I supply myself with the necessary ingredients - cinnamon and honey. For now I got only the water.
I promise to share my weight loss success story as a comment to this post.
Plenty of health benefits but be aware of adverse reactions if taken too much.
Excerpt from
Adverse Reactions
In “normal uses” in cooking, cinnamon is unlikely to cause problems in non-allergic people, and up to ½ teaspoon at a time are thought to be safe. People attempting to take more as a supplement should be aware of the following: Most negative reactions are in the form of skin rashes, or irritation to the tissues of the mouth or stomach. Cinnamon has a mild anti-clotting effect in the blood, which could be beneficial. But it is conceivable that too much could cause bleeding problems, especially when combined with medications which “thin the blood,” including aspirin. In traditional medicine, high doses are not given to pregnant women, due to possible stimulating effects on the uterus.
Excerpt from
What are the Side Effects of Cinnamon?Some recent studies in Europe have shown that cinnamon derived from the Cassia plant contains a toxic compound known as Coumarin. This compound is known to cause liver and kidney damage in high concentrations. Since the powdered cinnamon that we purchase in our supermarkets is typically derived from the Cassia plant, it is important to avoid consuming high doses of it. Since cinnamon has an anti-clotting effect on the blood, caution should also be exercised when it is used in combination with other blood-thinning products such as aspirin. Large quantities of cinnamon should also be avoided during pregnancy due to the possibility of adverse effects on the uterus. Anyone that is currently taking medication for controlling blood sugar levels or blood thinners should consult their doctor before using cinnamon as a regular supplement.
More info on honey n cinnamon here:
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